14 April 2008

at your feet

jesus be my portion
jesus be my king
lover of souls i am giving you all i have
because i know all that i need i will find at your feet

i know all that i need i will find at your feet.

what can i do but lay it all down before God? times are confusing and disorienting. the future still seems to be clouded by this fog of uncertainty. my desires conflict with one another - i want God, and yet i find myself wanting the things of this world.

what can i do but set all that i can offer at the foot of the cross? i don't have much to offer at all. i've learned to a greater depth this year that my strengths turn to weakness in view of the lord. i don't really have much that is good to offer to God. yet, he wants it all. he's called me to step into the light of his presence so that i can see myself for who i really am - a redeemed child of God by the blood of jesus. and so, i set everything i have before the cross of Jesus Christ, and in his mercy God looks upon me in love.

what else is there to do but to let God have his way in me? looking back at this year, i know i have made mistake after mistake. yet, God in his mercy has been patient with me. he is "the only wise God" (romans 11). my wisdom and understanding mean nothing. he is the one that is working in me to work and to act according to his good purpose.

be lifted high in my life, Lord. in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

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