10 November 2009

being robbed for jesus

last night the guys' house got broken into. nearly $3000 worth of stuff was taken from my brothers...none of my stuff was taken (most of my stuff was moved out just one week ago). i found this out early this morning from a phone call from jesse. his heart amazes me. he asked for prayer for wisdom on how to respond in the gospel. that is evidence of a heart changed by Christ's love...

i've had a little time to reflect and pray through things, and i've come to a few conclusions:

first, God knew that this was going to happen. we all knew this was going to happen when we moved into the neighborhood that we're in. so...he's in control, and i really do think that this happened for a purpose. God wants to bring some sort of good from this.

second, what an honor to be stolen from for the sake of the gospel! what an amazing opportunity to show our neighbors and the world that our treasure is not in the things of this world but is in Christ. how awesome is it to be able to be reminded that all of these things are temporary...

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal." mt. 6:19-20.

third, i think of what we went over in 1 corinthians 9 just a few days ago....paul says that he's become a servant to all. we are servants of this world, ministers of reconciliation. how can we serve the people who stole from us and show them the gospel? do we now have a connection with the gang scene in Salem and an opportunity to take the gospel into this dark place?

maybe i'm too optimistic or hopeful, but i do think that God could do some sweet stuff in this situation...lets be reminded of Jesus together as we bear each other's burdens in this.

this video seems to fit with what just happened:

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