02 August 2009

reflections on summer so far

this summer has been one of the best summers of my life.

at the beginning of may, six of us moved into this house on 15th street with a vision to live out community and reach out to the neighborhood around us. shortly thereafter, 10 people came together to launch a house church - reconciliation. the vision for this quickly expanded beyond what i ever could have imagined.

i can't explain the incredible feeling of living with purpose alongside brothers and sisters. yes, there have been many difficult things this summer...including conflict, discouragement, depression, apathy, and exhaustion. but, wow, its been so worth it.

you wouldn't think that using your free time to do yardwork for your neighbors on a weekly basis or hang out with people that you wouldn't normally hang out with would be the most fun...but i have found that it really is. i can't explain it, but when you do things selflessly and forget about what you'd like to do, you find that it is the most satisfying thing in the world.

the reason this summer has been so great isn't because we've done all these incredible things or anything....it is because of the relationships that have such depth to them. for example, we've been doing yardwork at cindy newman's house all summer, and i value the relationships with her and savannah so much. we're family, and we look out for each other, laugh with each other, and get to experience Jesus together. or take relationships in the church - the depth of my relationships with carter, jesse, brad, brent, randy, elliot, my dad, ian, dan, david, addie, sam, juli, maig, marianne, sarah, brianna....ah. there's nothing like it. seriously. it is so cool to be able to come together with people around a common vision and see God work to accomplish it. these are my brothers and sisters, and i'm blessed so much by them.

obviously we've got a long ways to go. we don't know how to really live in community or reach out together. we all need more boldness. we're not sure how to show the gospel to a community....but, God is moving. things are happening. i look back upon this summer so far and see the many ways that God has moved to mature us and make us more like him.

so, i just am sitting here this morning after going on a walk amazed at God's faithfulness this summer. i want more of him. i want for him to take all of us...he's so great!

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