12 September 2009

epic date fail.

this was something i didn't have time to finish a couple months ago (7/29/09) that i figured i'd get done tonight. i hope you enjoy it.

so...let me tell you about my ridiculous date with addie today. we had planned to go to the coast to get out of the heat, and the weather said it'd be 85 and sunny in pacific city. we left this afternoon. just a little before reaching lincoln city, we hit lots of traffic and so i decided to try a different route to pacific city that i was pretty sure would work. i became more and more doubtful as we continued to go but not see any signs for pacific city...only tillamook and astoria. addie and i were contemplating going to tillamook when we did find a sign for pacific city...but since the weather looked a little sketchy and we thought it might be warmer up north, we went to tillamook.

once we got to tillamook, we realized there was no beach there...neither of us had ever been to tillamook before, and we just assumed that it would be easy to find somewhere to hang out on the beach. well, we were wrong. so, we just decided to head back to pacific city.

after 3+ hours of sitting in the car, we finally reached pacific city. when we got there, it was crowded, cold, and cloudy. because it took til dinnertime to get there, we went to a restaurant...it was packed. we ordered some fish and chips to go since the wait would have been a little ridiculous. a few minutes after placing our order, the waitress came to us and told us that they were out of fries...just our luck. we opted for "fish and salad" instead.

after receiving our fish and salad, we climbed to the top of the dune at pacific city. it would have been pretty cool except that we could hardly see the ocean because of how foggy it was. also, it was crowded...and addie was getting goosebumps because of the cool breeze. after sitting up there for a while (our plan was to watch the sunset, but it never cleared up enough), we decided it was time to head back. it was earlier than we expected to be back, so we figured we'd get a simple dessert - frosties from wendy's. well...wouldn't you know that their chocolate frosty machine was broken. addie and i decided we'd give the vanilla frosties a shot, and after a few bites we threw them away...

still, the night was young, and there might have been a chance to redeem it if we did something fun. so, addie and i went to mckinley and stargazed in the middle of the field. it was going well...a good, clear, warm night in salem...until....the sprinklers came on. addie and i scurried out of the way onto the path and were admiring the series of unfortunate circumstances that plagued us during the day, watching the sprinklers do their thing. well...wouldn't you know that the sprinklers didn't stop at the path - they just kept going....so, to conclude our night, we got soaked by the sprinklers. perfect ending to a perfect day;)

i would consider this the most epic date failure i've ever heard about. i mean, it was a good attempt, right? but, just about everything that possibly could have gone wrong...did. i'm laughing as i think about it....how could that have possibly gone so wrong!? haha...ah man.

in light of all the mishaps of the day, addie and i spent much of the day laughing and smiling. that's one of the reasons that i like her a whole bunch. we're able to aimlessly sit in the car for several hours, arrive at an undesirable beach situation, eat fish and salad, shiver on top of a crowded dune, try terrible vanilla frosties, and get sprayed by the sprinklers in the middle of stargazing....and still laugh through it all. there's a phrase that i heard from one of my teachers a lot in high school. she said, "it's not about the destination; it's about the journey." that almost had to be true for addie and i today...i'm very thankful for her and her patience. it's a huge blessing to get to walk through life with her...and laugh along the way at what life throws at us.

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