19 April 2009

some of my favorite resources

i've had lots of people ask me about books to read, websites, etc. so, while procrastinating writing a paper, i figured i'd put a few of my favorites down for you guys to take a look at:)

Good books:
- The Bible - got to start there;)
- The Signature of Jesus by Brennan Manning (also check out The Ragamuffin Gospel by him)
- The Prayer Life by Andrew Murray (changed my life, seriously)
- Humility by Andrew Murray (so good that I let a bunch of people borrow it...someone lost it...bought a new copy...someone lost it again. if you are reading this and have my copy...i want it back now).
- The Pursuit of God and The Knowledge of the Holy by A. W. Tozer 
- Death By Love by Mark Driscoll (helps you understand the significance of Christ's sacrifice)
- The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence (if you can get through the old-style language, its worth it)

Good websites:
www.blueletterbible.com - an incredible study tool 
www.monergism.com - great articles on pretty much anything
www.bestcommentaries.com - this is an awesome website that recommends the best commentaries for you to check out...so helpful.
www.bethinking.org - apologetics website with some sweet articles
www.theresurgence.com - i read this every day. so good it shouldn't be free...
www.edstetzer.com - ed stetzer always has very perceptive info on contemporary issues in the church in america

Good podcasts:
Mark Driscoll - Mars Hill Church
Francis Chan - Cornerstone Simi Audio Podcast
Matt Chandler - The Village Church
Darrin Patrick - The Journey St. Louis
Judah Smith - Generation Church
Erwin McManus - Mosaic
John Piper - Desiring God Audio

William Lane Craig - Defenders Podcast
Ravi Zacharias - RZIM

TheResurgence Podcast - tons of resources from film and theology to biblical parenting
Acts 29 Podcast - church planting

this is most of the stuff i recommend to people when they ask.

if i'm missing something that i need to check out, what is it? leave a comment and let me know. 

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