14 March 2009

recap of overflow #5

we had a great time last night at overflow from midnight to 6am this morning. it was a different group of people than what we have had in the past, but it was really great.

the theme of the night was a time of repentance - turning away from lesser things and toward Christ. so, at the beginning we got our group together (there were about 10 of us) and began to look at Jesus. we didn't want to rush into repentance without exalting Christ and recognizing who he is. so, we read some Scripture, prayed, and took communion. it was cool to see that such a diverse group (5 of the people there i had never met) could so quickly become "one in Christ." that was definitely awesome...

alexa led us in a sweet time of worship...absolutely perfect songs ending with the song "come and heal us." we then took some time to pray together that God would give us true repentance away from worldly things and into his arms. we repented of sins within our own hearts, but we also repented of sins of inaction and not doing anything when we should.

then, seth showed up, and that was a huge blessing. he just blessed us with his music and his heart for worship. we worshipped the Lord some more with him, and then each of us took some time alone with God to have him search our hearts. we talked through what we felt God had spoken to us, and it was cool to see how God used that time to remind us that God's work in us is just that - God's work. though we can repent, it is God's work to really change our hearts, and he is eager to do that - which is so ridiculously awesome!

we spent the last hour trying to stay awake and praying through a few more things as a group. great stuff.

going away from last night, i was just reminded of the simple truth of the Gospel - it is such good news that we do not have to try and pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. instead, God is working within our hearts to change us and conform us into his image with his heart for his people.

that's the recap. God is awesome, and i am amazed every time at how fun it is to spend a whole night in prayer with him.

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