08 March 2009


tonight i'm in seattle.

i've had a great day today, and i can't help but share.
so, i have been looking forward to this weekend the entire past week. i've had lots of homework that i've been frantically trying to get done before i left. this morning i woke up, prayed a bit, and studied my passage that i'll be preaching on in one week for homiletics class.

after that, i packed up and began my weekend. i took a detour on my way to seattle and ended up in newberg...there's a girl there that i kind of like a lot...;) addie and i got to talk for a few hours and just be with each other. it was great. she's great. what a blessing to be dating my best friend...

then, i began the drive up to seattle. i listened to a few sermons, stopped at taco bell, sang along to some music, prayed, sat in silence, and drove safely. the weather got a little crazy as i got closer. the last three times i have been in seattle it has been snowing...that is kinda weird.

since i have been at the murphy's, i have felt so blessed. doug and i got to talk for a few hours. i'm really blessed by him, and he is always so inspiring. he makes you want to just change the world for christ after every conversation. now...i'm sitting downstairs and relaxing before going to sleep.

basically, i'm blessed: get to study the bible for homework, have a ridiculously amazing girlfriend, get to spend time alone with God on the car ride up to seattle, and have an amazing friend and mentor in doug...and amanda's hospitality is absolutely incredible.

i can't help but think of james 1:17 as i fall asleep tonight - "every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights..."

praise be to the Giver of all good and perfect gifts...

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